eWater Systems

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eWater is shifting the dial

That's why eWater is a certified B Corp. We have been proud members of this B Corp global community since 2016, and have been awarded B Corp Best for the World Environment for 3 years running.

Excitingly, we just received our 2022 Assessment Performance and are pumped to have scored a pretty impressive 97.3%.

What does this all mean?

Certified B Corporations are leaders in the global movement for an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy and B Corp is unique in its ability to measure a company’s entire social and environmental impact.

Measurement is core to the BCorp approach. eWater Group is, at its core, an Impact Business Model based on key measurement criteria.

Our equipment enables users to measure their impact in replacing toxic hygiene chemicals, reducing single use plastics, carbon heavy supply chains and waste that damages our waterways.

eWater is a disruptive company that markets electrolysed water generators, often used as refill stations, that are alternatives to often toxic plastic packaged chemicals.

We embrace the B Corp vision and principles for a global economy that uses business as a force for good, which is purpose-driven and create benefit for all stakeholders, not just shareholders.

That we must be the change we seek in the world.

That all business ought to be conducted as if people and place mattered.

That through their products, practices, and profits, businesses should aspire to do no harm and benefit all.

That we recognise we are each dependent upon one another and thus responsible for each other and future generations.

To fellow certified B Corps, we salute you for building a more inclusive and sustainable economy with world-leading social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

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